Bullard Rifle



This is a copy of an original rifle I completed for a very patient customer. The original rifle is in the Colonial Williamsburg collection and is referred to as the Bullard rifle. It is not signed or has any documentation so attributing it to any maker is pure speculation. It appears to be a southern rifle, possibly Virginia. The original rifle's buttplate, trigger guard, sideplate, lock and probably the wrist inlay are from an English fowler. Reuse of parts was a common practice in the late 18th century. This was especially true during the war and for a time after until imported parts became available again.


This copy has a custom barrel profiled from the original by Bob Hoyt of Fairfield, PA. It is 41⁵⁄₁₆" long swamped in .42 caliber and has been fire blued. The brass parts were cast here in the shop. The stock is dense piece of walnut. The lock is a Chamber's Virginia lock which is very close to the original one. The rear sight is cast in silver as was the original. All of the engraving was copied from the original gun.  


Weight is 8 lbs. 5 ozs.  


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