These are guns I have made for other
customers that can be referred
to when looking to have your own gun made.
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for more views of the same gun

'Since a few days ago, an odd affair at a
house near Beauford Row where the servants had been cleaning some
pistols and had laid four of them charged with balls upon the table
after which they snapped carelessly an empty pistol, which
communicating fire to some powder that lay scattered on the table,
all four pistols went off, and though there were four or five people
round the table, very happily nobody received any hurt.'
Aris's Birmingham Gazette, March 28th, 1745. |

Pistol Sets
Silver Mounted English Holster Pistols |
Silver Mounted Dueling Pistols |
Brass Mounted American Holster Pistols |
Brass Mounted American Holster Pistols
#2 |

Long Barreled American Pistols

English and American Holster Pistols